
2StateReviews is the Simplest Movie/TV Review Site - Movies and TV shows are voted either as "See" or "Don't See", then presented as a really quick way to check if something is worth a watch or not.

Built using the crowd-sourced data provided at TMDB

Designed and developed by Darren Watt and James Lloyd


2StateReviews is an app that uses Google OAuth to access, use, store, or share Google user data. This privacy policy explains how we handle your Google user data and what rights you have regarding it.

What Google user data do we access, use, store, or share?

2StateReviews accesses, uses, stores, or shares the following Google user data:

How do we obtain your consent?

2StateReviews obtains your consent to access, use, store, or share your Google user data in the following ways:

How do we protect your Google user data?

2StateReviews protects your Google user data by:

How long do we retain your Google user data?

2StateReviews retains your Google user data for as long as necessary to provide you with our app’s features and services. We will delete your Google user data when:

How can you access, update, or delete your Google user data?

You can access, update, or delete your Google user data by:

How can you contact us?

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or our use of your Google user data, you can contact us by:

Changes to this privacy policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes in our app, Google’s policies, or the law. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new privacy policy on our app’s website or by sending you an email. You are advised to review this privacy policy periodically for any changes. This privacy policy was last updated on 6th December 2023. This privacy policy is based on the Google OAuth 2.0 Policies and the Google Privacy Policy Requirements.


This site is used only to very basically review movies and TV shows. It is not to be used for anything else.