Krithi Shetty is an Indian film actress appearing in Tamil and Kannada films. She starred in Suseenthiran's critically acclaimed Azhagarsamiyin Kuthirai (2011) alongside Inigo Prabhakaran, before featuring in another little known Tamil film Kondaan Koduthaan, the following year. In 2013, she changed her screen name from Advaitha to her original name in time for the release of Snehavin Kadhalargal. She noted that the name Advaitha had been chosen for numerological reasons, but stated she did not like the way people pronounced the name. She worked again with Suseenthiran, portraying a small role in Pandiya Naadu. Her other projects include Maanga with Premgi Amaren, Sevili and the heroine-centric Snehavin Kadhalargal.
Pandiya Naadu
as AmudhaSivakumar is a timid young man, with a loving family in Madurai. His brother, a government...
Movie pageKatharbasha Endra Muthuramalingam
as uncreditedAn arrogant yet righteous man decides to get married to a woman, who has been suffering at the...
Movie pageAzhagar Samiyin Kuthirai
as DeviAzhagarsami loses his only source of livelihood, a horse. At the same time, during the...
Movie pageKondaan Koduthaan
as SevandhiKondaan Koduthaan is Tamil movie directed by G Rajendran. The film is produced by P Iyappa and...
Movie page