Marija Škaričić

Born: 1977-08-06

Prvu glavnu ulogu dobiva 2004. godine u filmu Ta divna splitska noć redatelja Arsena Antona Ostojića. Već tom ulogom Marija vjernim portretom heroinske ovisnice dobiva laskavu titulu najtalentiranije hrvatske glumice. Za formalno priznanje takvog statusa pobrinuo se žiri sarajevskog festivala s Mikeom Leighom na čelu, dodijelivši joj iste godine Srce Sarajeva, prestižnu nagradu za najbolje žensko glumačko postignuće. Novi pravi glumački zalet uzima u jednoj od najvećih hrvatskih komercijalnih uspješnica, filmu Što je muškarac bez brkova (2005.) Hrvoja Hribara. Njena energična interpretacija pokroviteljske, pomalo grube i sirove starije sestre Ljubice nametnula se kao racionalna protuteža središnjim likovima upotpunjujući time dodatno dramski okvir radnje. 2006. oživljava staru ljubav sa Sarajevom odnoseći po drugi put s tamošnjeg festivala Srce Sarajeva za najbolju žensku ulogu u filmu Gospođica redateljice Andree Štake. Marija ovaj puta svoj glumački senzibilitet stavlja u službu prikaza djevojke Ane čija neprilagođenost i nezadrživi mladenački temperament nepovratno utječu na sve one s kojima je turbulencija života stavi u doticaj. U njoj Marija glumi sa najvećom filmskom divom ovih prostora Mirjanom Karanović, a upravo će Mariju mnogi proglašavati njenom nasljednicom, dok će sama Mirjana Karanović u intervjuima upravo nju izdvojiti kao jednu od najboljih hrvatskih glumica. Slijede mnoge manje filmske uloge u brojnim hrvatskim filmova, a glavne uloge dobiva 2010. godine i to u njemačkom filmu Shahada (koji je bio u konkurenciji Berlinskog filmskog festivala), te potom u filmu Dalibora Matanića Majka asfalta. Za tu ulogu je nagrađena Zlatnom arenom za najbolju glavnu žensku ulogu na 57. Pula film festivalu i Fipa D'OR Grand Prize za najbolju žensku ulogu na festivalu International Festival of Audiovisual Programs u Parizu. U ovom je razdoblju Marija Škaričić jedna od najzaposlenijih i najnagrađivanijih hrvatskih filmskih glumica, sa čak 18 dugometražnih filmova koje je snimila u razdoblju od 2000. - 2010. čime se ni jedna druga hrvatska glumica ne može pohvaliti. Glumila je i u serijalima Bumerang i Operacija Kajman, a u kazalištu se pojavljuje jako rijetko.



as Mare
Released: 2020-02-23

Routinely, but with dedication, Mare runs her small family’s modest household, even though a new...

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The Priest's Children

as Marija
Released: 2013-01-03

Don Fabijan is a young priest who comes to serve on an unnamed small island in the Adriatic. In...

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as Ana
Released: 2006-08-07

Ruža left Serbia, her country, over 30 years ago and lives in Zurich. Her daily life is a string...

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Cat's Cry

as Nada Petric
Released: 2024-10-01

When his daughter disappears, Stamen, a retired factory worker from a small industrial town in...

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as Daniel
Released: 2010-02-17

The fates of three German-born Muslims in Berlin collide as they struggle to find their place...

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Lost Country

as uncredited
Released: 2023-10-11

Belgrade, 1996. During the student demonstrations against the Milosevic regime, 15-year-old...

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God Forbid a Worse Thing Should Happen

as Prodavačica
Released: 2002-02-20

The adventures of a small town Croatian family during the 1960s. The decade will leave eternal...

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A Wonderful Night in Split

as Maja
Released: 2004-07-20

The film is set over the course of a New Year's Eve night in the Croatian port city of Split,...

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My Late Summer

as Odvjetnica Matković
Released: 2024-08-16

Arriving on an island, a young woman embarks on a journey to discover her identity and place in...

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What Is a Man without a Moustache?

as Ljubica
Released: 2005-07-23

A young widow, an aging widower-returnee, and a priest from a bankrupt parish are struggling to...

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Flower Square

as Irena
Released: 2013-04-11

An obscure actor is hired by the police to get a confession out of a dying mafioso.

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Cure: The Life of Another

as Eta's mother
Released: 2014-08-16

Teens Linda and Eta are inseparable friends, though they have plenty of disagreements, but one...

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as Ana
Released: 2022-10-14

After the death of her father, young scientist Ana struggles with an identity crisis, being the...

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Zagreb Stories

as Marija (segment "Žuti mjesec")
Released: 2009-01-01

Nine short films are connected into one whole, and they describe life in Croatia's capital of...

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No Biggie

as uncredited
Released: 2004-11-13

Student film.

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True Miracle

as Sister
Released: 2007-07-16

It is no wonder for a son to have the miraculous powers of his father, but when he discovers...

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as Mirela
Released: 2020-07-30

After several miscarriages, Tereza's gynecologist, in an attempt to cheer her up, jokes she...

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as uncredited
Released: 2024-06-13

After many years, Karla returns to her home island where she must face everything she left behind.

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Behind the Glass

as Sestra Majina brata
Released: 2008-07-22

Through a period of five days, the story follows intertwined characters who live in false...

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The Man Under the Table

as Jasna
Released: 2009-07-22

The microcosmic world of a street market on the outskirts of Zagreb: traders, thieves,...

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In the Land of Wonders

as Strina
Released: 2009-01-01

Still today, years after the war, some regions are contaminated with broken families, poverty,...

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as Aida
Released: 2012-10-23

When Ruslana floods her Munich flat, Vladan, a former Boxer from Serbia, comes to her rescue. It...

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as Marija
Released: 2022-10-25

Antonio and Nikola are inseparable friends who live across the road from each other, and share a...

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Mother of Asphalt

as Mare
Released: 2010-07-21

An abused wife leaves her husband, takes her child away and goes to live in a car.

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Einstein's Greatest Mistake

as Andreja
Released: 2006-07-12

A TV comedy.

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as Ana
Released: 2020-01-22

Three friends, Jelena, Ana and Zorka meat three days before 20-year's high school reunion. Ana...

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Fashion Tension

as Marija
Released: 2013-11-28

A small village on an island called Bura, is looking for the 100th citizen so that the village...

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Yellow Moon

as Marija
Released: 2009-07-18

A young woman who has just moved into a new flat pays a courtesy visit to her pregnant neighbor....

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as Branka
First aired: 2014-05-06

Based on Robert Saviano's bestselling book, this gritty Italian crime drama paints a portrait of...

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The Horvats

as Nikolina Hohnjec
First aired: 2015-09-07

This fun family TV comedy set in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb where Stjepan and Lila who are...

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Operation Sabre

as Sonja Janković
First aired: 2024-11-02

Belgrade, 2003. When Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic is assassinated, the country plunges...

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as uncredited
First aired: 2019-01-06

Follow the intertwining stories of four strangers who are bound together by a violent event.

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as Ana
First aired: 2019-03-09

The action of this family play-documentary mini-series of four episodes is located in Niksic....

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as Nepoznata osoba
First aired: 2020-02-03

After a military operation of limited operation, six Croatian soldiers (Prka, Sikira, Nervoza,...

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