Re Fakhri
Re Fakhri is an Indonesian short film producer and director was born in Bogor, 3 September 1996. He started learning about cinema in a campus-based community at the Indonesian University of Education called Satu Layar since 2015. He believes that film is a process of knowing life because a living film is a film that has an element of closeness to the maker. While studying films, he has also made several short films include Extrafearganza (2015), Frame Time (2016), Titik Terjauh (2016), Saciduh Metu Saucap Nyata (2016), Sekat (2018), Spicy Candy (2018), Sebuah Mimpi (2018) and with Mulih Films & Sebs Sine Club including A Sinful Lightdance (2018), The Puppets Exploded (2019), Maybe Someday Another Day But Not Today (2021) & What's Going On In Her Beautiful Eyes (2023).