Richard Boutet

Born: None

Richard Boutet is a director and producer born in Montreal in 1940 who has worked with the National Film Board of Canada and Vidéographe. In his prolific career he has made numerous films, including Le Spasme de vivre, a movie about the problem of suicide among young Quebecers that was nominated for best feature film at the World Film Festival in 1991, The War to End of all Wars (La Guerre oubliée), a documentary that won the Alberta-Quebec Award in 1988, and The Ballad of Hard Times (La Turlute des années dures), a movie about the Great Depression of the 1930s which won the L.-E.-Ouimet-Molson Award in the best feature film from Quebec category, the Sesterce d'Argent and the ecumenical prize at the Festival International de Nyon. He directed Le Chemin brut de Lisette et Romain in 1995 and Survivants de l'apocalypse in 1998. A dedicated filmmaker, Richard Boutet is as passionate about his social interests as he is determined to revive the documentary art form.
