Vlasta Burian
Vlasta Burian, vlastním jménem Josef Vlastimil Burian (9. dubna 1891 Liberec — 31. ledna 1962 Praha), známý jakoKrál komiků, byl český divadelní herec, režisér, zpěvák, divadelní ředitel, sportovec, podnikatel, filmový herec,spisovatel, mim a imitátor, který se díky své nespoutané živelnosti a potřebě být všude první vypracoval mezi skutečné hvězdy českého filmu a divadla. Byl jedním z nejpopulárnějších herců za první republiky, po válce byl však neprávem nařčen z kolaborace. I přesto jeho obliba trvá dodnes, o čemž svědčí vítězství v anketě o „Krále komiků“ a časté televizní reprízy jeho filmů.
Once Upon a Time, There Was a King...
as kancléř AtakdáleA selfish self-centered widowed ruler, barely tolerated by his subjects and called appropriately...
Movie pageStation Master
as Černý pasažér a přednosta ŤopkaVlasta Burian jako černý pasažér rozvrátí disciplinovaný chod jednoho nádraží. Pan Ťopka působí...
Movie pageSkill of Gold
as Cyril PutičkaA village shop owner is convinced by his children to move to Prague, where they say he'll be...
Movie pageAnton Spelec, Sharp-Shooter
as Anton ŠpelecAnton Špelec (Vlasta Burin) is a producer of musical instruments by trade but a sharp-shooter at...
Movie pageRyba na suchu
as František RybaMajitel půjčovny lodiček a převozník Ryba sídlí celý život v domku u řeky, která se často stává...
Movie pageHim and His Sister
as Listonoš BrabecPostman Brabec is a welcome guest of the revue theatre for his sense of humor, and he brings his...
Movie pageBurian the Liar
as Baron Archibald PrásilFifty years old Baron von Fibberg lives at The Fibberg Castle with his wife Olga and daughter...
Movie pageEaten Out of House and Home
as KyllianThe gullible buyer Žemla Martin (Francis Smolik) finally opened his dream shop. After a while,...
Movie pageLelíček in the Services of Sherlock Holmes
as František Lelíček / Fernando XXIIIThe Portorican prime minister asks British detective Sherlock Holmes to find a twin for King...
Movie pageHe Stood at the Till
as Kryštof RozruchU pokladny stál... is a Czech comedy film. It was released in 1939.
Movie pageThe Undertaker
as zaměstnanec pohřebního ústavu Vendelín Pleticha a falešný Boleslav HnipírdoImperial and Royal Field Marshal
as František Procházka setník v.v.Comedy film directed by Karel Lamač.
Movie pageThe Fake Sweetheart
as Vendelín PletichaThe film depicts the troubles of Herr Verner ( Herr Karel Hasler ), a middle-aged bachelor...
Movie pageThe Catacombs
as oficiál BormanThe title refers to the office of records in the basement of a large company... sort of the...
Movie pageThe Inspector-General
as úředník z Petrohradu Ivan Alexandrovič Chlestakov a falešný revizorVlasta Burian appears in a town of Czarist Russia impersonating an Inspector General, and he is...
Movie pageThe Hen and the Sexton
as Josef KodýtekCooperative members are harvesting crops, trying to get new water piping installed and preparing...
Movie pageThe Loves of Kačenka Strnadová
as Vincek KroutilThe film depicts the adventures of Kacenka (Zdena Kavková) and Vincek (Vlasta Burian), two...
Movie pageBusiness in Distress
as Popelec HadimrškaFinnicky efficiency expert is sent to straighten out business management problems at a jazz...
Movie pageDon't Make Grandpa Angry
as Eman Pípa, falešný mladší strýc Jonáš a falešný starší strýc JonášUlice zpívá
as klaun Silvanea, zpěvák a hráč na harmoniku Emil BeruškaThe Lovers of an Old Criminal
as uncreditedFactory owner Pardon, meets Olga, daughter of clairvoyant Stefanie Lesczynska at a ball. Their...
Movie page