Retro Stag Party 2: Busty Stars Of The 60's (2009)
Featuring Kitten Natividad Virginia "Ding Dong" Bell Gerri Reeves and more!
Released: 2009-01-13
Retro Stag Party is the dvd that is every "bosomaniacs" dream come true. A huge collection of the biggest bosomed babes in the history of entertainment. Featured in this bra busting dvd are such classic big bust stars as Virginia "Ding Dong" Bell, Russ Meyer favorite Kitten Natividad, Gerry Reeves. Roberta Pendon and so much more! These 8mm stag loops are the kind that provided the "life" of any men's only party of the 50's and 60's. Take a trip back to the time when bigger (on top) was always better! Retro Stage Party 2 is probably the most fun anyone will ever find "under the BIG TOP"!
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