
Released: 2000-03-31

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The student, Rifle, has managed to seduce his professor's wife, Bomber, an average working guy, has bought a factory and Bullet, the casino lover, is hiding from creditors. They all share a common path and conscription. In the army they teach you that everything must be smart and in order - cockades, straps and all, otherwise you're not fit to call yourself a person, you're a maggot. For a real man, there's no better place than the army.

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Pyotr Korshunkov

as Гена Бобков («Пуля»)

Actor page

Mikhail Petrovsky

as Владик («Штык»)

Actor page

Stanislav Duzhnikov

as Толя Пистемеев («Бомба»)

Actor page

Viktor Pavlov

as генерал Талалаев («Батя»)

Actor page

Aleksandr Belyavskiy

as Семёныч, контр-адмирал

Actor page

Juozas Budraitis

as генерал-лейтенант авиации

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Sergei Artsybashev

as прапорщик Козаков

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Vladimir Shainskiy

as генерал-ветеран

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Ivan Okhlobystin

as особист

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Roman Kachanov

as Гера Либерман, каптёр

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Misak Gevorkyan

as Максуд Алиев

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Vladimir Maysuradze

as Улукбек Алиев

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Mikhail Vladimirov

as Staff Sergeant Lavrov

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Sergey Gabrielyan

as Александр Галагура, ефрейтор

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Aleksey Salpanov

as младший сержант Лавров

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Dmitriy Nezhivoy

as Фарух Газиев, хлеборез

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Aleksey Panin

as «Пыса»

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Egor Garanin

as брат «Пысы»

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Ivan Agapov

as Виктор Башмаков (дядя Витя)

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Vladimir Smirnov

as мастер

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