Dominated by gold

Released: 1957-12-27

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In the house of goldmaker Tikhon Kondratievich Molokov, carnival is celebrated noisily, on a grand scale, with gypsies. Everyone drank pretty, and when the mayor tried to “seduce” the owner’s daughter Anisya, the girl’s father broke his nose. Frightened by the consequences of this incident, Tikhon Kondratievich decided to flee the city.

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Ivan Pereverzev

as Тихон Кондратьевич Молоков, золотопромышленник

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Inna Kmit

as Анисья Тихоновна, дочь Молокова

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Viktor Chekmaryov

as Иван Тимофеевич Засыпкин

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Lyudmila Kasyanova

as Елена Ивановна, дочь Засыпкина

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Vladilv Balandin

as Василий Петрович, помошник Засыпкина

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Pavel Fedoseev

as Маркушка

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Lidiya Starokoltseva

as жена Маркушки

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Igor Belozerov

as Поликарп Емельянович Белоносов, адвокат

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Ефим Степанов

as Харитон Харитонович Ширинкин, слуга

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Полина Кропачёва

as Марфа Лукинична, жена Молокова

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