
Released: 1934-11-01

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The story is centered around the devastating experiences of two villagers, Osaki Shuichi, and his cousin, Nishimiura Kinue, when they leave their hometown for the metropolis of Tokyo. They are in love with each other, but Kinue is expected to marry the lawyer Kanda Seiji. In consequence, Shukichi leaves for Tokyo, where he becomes tutor to the son of the rich Iwaki family. The heartbroken Kinue also makes her way to the capital, where she becomes a bar hostess.

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Mitsugu Fujii

as Shûkichi Ôsaki

Actor page

Hiroko Kawasaki

as Kinue Nishimura

Actor page

Michiko Kuwano

as Tomone Iwaki

Actor page

Shirô Kanemitsu

as Seiji Kanda

Actor page

Isamu Yamaguchi

as Matsumura, chauffeur

Actor page

Hideo Fujino

as Keinosuke Iwaki

Actor page

Akio Nomura

as Tomone's brother

Actor page

Ryôko Hisahara

as Ofuji, his sweetheart

Actor page

Toshiaki Konoe

as Yamashita

Actor page

Reikichi Kawamura

as Ôsaki's father

Actor page

Mitsuko Yoshikawa

as Ôsaki's mother

Actor page

Tomio Aoki

as Shigeru, Ôsaki's brother

Actor page

Fumiko Katsuragi

as Kanda's grandmother

Actor page

Kimiko Mikage

as Tomone's friend

Actor page

Sanae Takasugi

as Tomone's friend

Actor page

Kuniko Miyake

as Tomone's friend

Actor page

Masae Koike

as Guest at Hotel

Actor page

Masao Arata


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Taro Sasaki

Director of Photography

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Haruo Dobashi

Sound Recordist

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Kaname Hashimoto

Sound Recordist

Actor page

Yoshi Eguchi

Original Music Composer

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