Habibie & Ainun 3

Dedicated to the Memory of B.J. Habibie (1936-2019)

Released: 2019-12-19

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When she was in high school, Ainun was known as a smart girl and became the target of many male students, including Habibie. In college, Ainun became a popular figure. Ahmad is a man who dared to express his love for Ainun.

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Galang Galih

Director of Photography

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Dhamoo Punjabi

Executive Producer

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Zairin Zain

Co-Executive Producer

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Yudi Datau

Director of Photography

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Widhi Susila Utama

Casting Director

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Diska Nurzuraicha

Costume Designer

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Teguh Widodo


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Krisna Purna

Sound Recordist

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CGI Director

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Sanjay Mulani

Casting Director

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Retno Ratih Damayanti

Costume Supervisor

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