Intrigo: Dear Agnes

Released: 2019-10-10

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What is a human life worth? How is it possible that a woman like Agnes could agree to kill another human being? Is it the money? Or are there other forces at play?

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Cal MacAninch

as Erich Neuman-Hansen

Actor page

Ed Cooper Clarke

as Thomas Neuman-Hansen

Actor page

Jason Wong

as Benjamin

Actor page

Daniel Petrie Jr.

Executive Producer

Actor page

Adrian Politowski

Executive Producer

Actor page

Klas Wahl

Original Music Composer

Actor page

Lauren Mekhael

Executive Producer

Actor page

Cloé Garbay

Executive Producer

Actor page

Ivan Orlic

Executive Producer

Actor page

Momirka Bailović

Costume Design

Actor page

Paweł Edelman

Director of Photography

Actor page

Claudia Bluemhuber

Executive Producer

Actor page

Bastien Sirodot

Executive Producer

Actor page

Peter Bevan

Executive Producer

Actor page

Jill Wertz

Makeup Artist

Actor page

Nadia Khamlichi

Executive Producer

Actor page