La petite femelle

Released: 2021-02-01

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November, 1953. Pauline Dubuisson is accused of the cold-bloodied murder of her lover Félix. But who exactly is this young woman that the whole of France wants to see convicted? A cold calculating social climber? Or a free spirit, asserting her emancipation before it became fashionable?

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Lucie Lucas

as Pauline

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Héléna Noguerra

as Mère de Félix

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Jean Dell

as Père de Félix

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Stéphanie Petit

as Madame Charrignon

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Mina Poe

as Madame Moréteau

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Julien Gaillard

as Docteur Joseph

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Hartmut Reichel

as Officier allemand

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Koenraad De Bouw

as Médecin militaire allemand

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Eric Beauchamp

as Expert balistique

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Laurent Lecêtre

as Revendeur tickets procès

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Stéphane Piasentin

as Homme traction

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