National Theatre Live: Julius Caesar

Released: 2018-03-22

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Caesar returns in triumph to Rome and the people pour out of their homes to celebrate. Alarmed by the autocrat’s popularity, the educated élite conspire to bring him down. After his assassination, civil war erupts on the streets of the capital. Nicholas Hytner’s production will thrust the audience into the street party that greets Caesar’s return, the congress that witnesses his murder, the rally that assembles for his funeral and the chaos that explodes in its wake.

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David Calder

as Julius Caesar

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Michelle Fairley

as Caius Cassius

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David Morrissey

as Mark Antony

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Ben Whishaw

as Marcus Brutus

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Wendy Kweh

as Calpurnia, Caesar's Wife/Varro, Brutus' Army

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Leaphia Darko

as Portia, Brutus's Wife

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Fred Fergus

as Lucius, Brutus's Aide/Cinna, A Poet/Street Band

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Kit Young

as Octavius, Caesar's Heir/Street Band

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Mark Penfold

as Lepidus, Triumvirate/Caius Ligarius, Conspirator/Soothsayer

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Adjoa Andoh

as Casca, Conspirator

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Nick Sampson

as Cinna, Conspirator

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Leila Farzad

as Decius Brutus, Conspirator

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Hannah Stokely

as Metellus Cimber, Conspirator

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Abraham Popoola

as Trebonius, Conspirator/Street Band

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Sid Sagar

as Flavius, Tribune / Popilius Lena, Senator

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Rosie Ede

as Marullus, Tribune/Artemidorus, Citizen

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Zachary Hart

as Philo, Octavius' Army / Claudius, Brutus' Army/Street Band

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Jessica Richardson

Production Coordinator

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Amanda Church

Script Supervisor

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Bruno Poet

Lighting Design

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Annie McDougall

Script Supervisor

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Jasmine Sandalli

Production Manager

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Nicholas Hytner

Stage Director

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Paul Arditti

Sound Designer

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Bunny Christie

Set Designer

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Mike Le Fevre

Lighting Director

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Conrad Fletcher

Sound Supervisor

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Ieva Bachtiarova

Associate Producer

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Mike Lee

Camera Supervisor

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