Roxsy & Me

The actress retired. The character didn't.

Released: 2014-10-31

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In order to pursue a serious career in acting, Carmela Hayslett hangs up her top hat and retires her popular horror hosting personality, Roxsy Tyler. The problem is... she's the only one who's moved on. Her former co-hosts live to badger her and the fan base she left behind refuses to support her movie career. Meanwhile, locked in a little box somewhere in Hayslett's psyche, Roxsy Tyler is alive, well, and ready repossess the actress's body!

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Carmela Hayslett

as Carmela Hayslett / Roxsy Tyler

Actor page

Chuck Maher

as Count Chuckula

Actor page

Krystle Ann Griffin

as Gothic Audience Member

Actor page

Rob Dimension

as Mumbles the Clown

Actor page