The Black Castle Olshansky

Released: 1984-01-03

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Paleographer and writer Anton Glebovich Kosmich finds in the binding of an ancient book a parchment with encrypted information about treasures hidden in the dungeon of the castle. It gradually becomes clear that the last scion of the family of the Olshansky princes, who collaborated with the Nazis during the war, is also looking for the treasure. In the dungeon of the castle, along with treasures of the 17th century, materials from the SD archive are also hidden. The spaceman is in mortal danger.

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Viktor Yevgrafov

as Космич / Валюжинич

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Rimantė Krilavičiūtė

as Сташка / Гордислава

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Eduard Martsevich

as Марьян

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Leonid Markov

as Лыгановский

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Gennadiy Garbuk

as Лопотуха

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Stasis Petronaitis

as Высоцкий

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Yuri Katin-Yartsev

as Мультан

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Henrikas Kurauskas

as Хилинский

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Igor Vasilev

as князь Витовт Ольшанский

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Mikhail Matveev

as ловчий князя Витовта

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Zdislav Stomma

as пан Панольчик

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Pyotr Yurchenkov

as Михаил Иванович Змогитель

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Yuri Stupakov

as председатель колхоза

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Ivan Matskevich

as Гончаренок

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Viktor Lebedev

as Станкевич

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Nina Rozantsevа

as жена Лопотухи

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