The Brothers Karamazov

Three brothers, one spiritual and living at a monastery, the other - a gambler, and the third - an intellectual, work out their problems in 19th century Russia

Released: 1969-01-10

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Based on the novel of the same name by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The tragic story of the Karamazov family takes place in a Russian province in the late 19th century. The relations of their father and three brothers are very complicated and contradictory. One of the brothers is accused of killing his father, whom he did not commit. The brothers are unable to help him, and only a loving girl follows him to hard labour.

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Mikhail Ulyanov

as Дмитрий Карамазов

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Lionella Pyryeva

as Грушенька, Аграфена Александровна

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Kirill Lavrov

as Иван Карамазов

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Andrey Myagkov

as Алёша Карамазов

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Mark Prudkin

as Фёдор Павлович Карамазов

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Svetlana Korkoshko

as Катерина Ивановна

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Valentin Nikulin

as Павел Смердяков, сводный брат Карамазовых

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Pavel Pavlenko

as старец Зосима

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Grigori Kirillov

as прокурор

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Nikolay Svetlovidov

as Максимов

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Aleksandr Khvylya

as Ферапонт

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Nikolai Ryzhov

as Трифон Борисыч Пластунов, хозяин постоялого двора в Мокром

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Andrei Abrikosov

as Кузьма Кузьмич Самсонов

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Yevgeni Teterin

as отец Иосиф

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Gennadiy Yukhtin

as отец Паисий

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Anatoli Adoskin

as Николай Парфёнович Нелюдов, судебный следователь

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Mark Pertsovskiy

as Врублёвский

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Nikita Podgornyj

as Михаил Осипович Ракитин

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Nikolai Prokopovich

as Муссялович

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Vasiliy Matov

as Пётр Александрович Миусов, двоюродный брат первой жены Ф.П. Карамазова

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