The Liberation of Prague

Released: 1977-05-06

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On 20th of April 1945 the Soviet army launches its attack on Berlin. The end has come for Nazi Germany and Hitler decides to commit suicide. In Prague K.H. Frank (Nazi Secretary of State and Chief of police in the Protectorate of Bohemia a Moravia) discusses with his commanders how to transform the city into an impregnable fortress, but the Praguers do not intend to wait any longer. From the early hours of 4th of May people start assembling in the streets and tearing down German signs. On the next day, the 5th of May, the uprising begins.

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Vladimír Šmeral

as Dr. Václav Vacek

Actor page

František Vicena

as Rudolf Čapek

Actor page

Josef Větrovec

as František Hrubý

Actor page

Ota Sklenčka

as Albert Pražák

Actor page

Josef Somr

as Dr. František Grospič

Actor page

Dmytro Franko

as General Rybalko

Actor page

Sergei Polezhayev

as Marshal Konev

Actor page

Gunnar Möller

as Adolf Hitler

Actor page

Wilhelm Koch-Hooge

as General Toussaint

Actor page

Günter Naumann

as Field Marshal Schörner

Actor page

Jaroslav Rozsíval

as Antonín Horák

Actor page

Jaroslava Tichá

as Božena Horáková

Actor page

Jiří Krampol

as Lt. Karel Horák

Actor page

Vítězslav Jandák

as Standa Horák

Actor page

Renáta Doleželová

as Lt. Anka Kadlecová

Actor page

Nikolay Grinko

as General Bradley

Actor page

Pyotr Velyaminov

as General Lelyushenko

Actor page

Gert Hänsch

as Karl Dönitz

Actor page

Horst Preusker

as General von Pückler

Actor page

Vladislav Strzhelchik

as General Antonov

Actor page

Rudolf Hammer

Makeup & Hair

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Karel Lier

Production Design

Actor page

Jiří Knotek

Assistant Camera

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Rudolf Stahl nejml.

Assistant Production Design

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Jan Kváča

Camera Operator

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Václav Zajíček

Assistant Camera

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Vladimír Zelenka

First Assistant Director

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Josef Pavlík

Set Decoration

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M. Róna

Set Decoration

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Miroslav Voštiar

First Assistant Director

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Ladislav Rada

Set Decoration

Actor page