The Wannsee Conference

Released: 1984-12-19

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A real time recreation of the 1942 Wannsee Conference, in which leading SS and Nazi Party officals gathered to discuss the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question". Led by SS-General Reinhard Heydrich, the Wannsee Conference was the starting point for the Jewish Holcaust which led to the mass murder of six million people.

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Dietrich Mattausch

as SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich

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Harald Dietl

as Gauleiter Dr. Alfred Meyer

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Jochen Busse

as Dr. Georg Leibbrandt

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Peter Fitz

as Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart

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Dieter Groest

as Dr. Erich Neumann

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Reinhard Glemnitz

as Dr. Josef Bühler

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Franz Rudnick

as Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger

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Robert Atzorn

as Otto Hofmann

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Friedrich G. Beckhaus

as Heinrich Müller

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Gerd Böckmann

as Adolf Eichmann

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Martin Lüttge

as Dr. Rudolf Lange

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Anita Mally

as The Secretary

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Rainer Steffen

as Roland Freisler

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Günter Spörrle

as Gerhard Klopfer

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Gerd Rigauer

as Karl Schöngarth

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Schlomo Aronson

Scientific Consultant

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Siegfried B. Glöker

Executive Producer

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Barbara Siebner

Art Direction

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Norbert Bittmann

Coordinating Producer

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Sigbert Stark

Sound Engineer

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Jochen Riedel

Production Manager

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Horst Schier

Director of Photography

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