WWE: Top 50 Superstars of All Time

Released: 2010-12-07

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.A countdown of the greatest superstars in WWE History. From Hulk Hogan to Randy Savage to The Rock to John Cena enjoy an experience down memory lane for long-time fans, and a new experience for new fans of WWE.

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Steven Anderson

as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

Actor page

Hulk Hogan

as Hulk Hogan

Actor page

Michael Hickenbottom

as Shawn Michaels

Actor page

Bret Hart

as Bret "The Hitman" Hart

Actor page

Mark Calaway

as The Undertaker

Actor page

John Cena

as John Cena

Actor page

Rick Rood

as "Ravishing" Rick Rude

Actor page

Bob Backlund

as Bob Backlund

Actor page

Fred Brisco

as Jack Brisco

Actor page

Dory Funk Jr.

as Dory Funk Jr.

Actor page

Robert Remus

as Sgt. Slaughter

Actor page

Nick Bockwinkel

as Nick Bockwinkel

Actor page

Walter Kowalski

as Killer Kowalski

Actor page

Paul Wight

as The Big Show

Actor page

Chris Irvine

as Chris Jericho

Actor page