Marvel's 616
First air date: 2020-11-20

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Explore Marvel’s rich legacy of pioneering characters, creators and storytelling to reflect the world outside your window. Each documentary, helmed by a unique filmmaker, showcases the intersections of storytelling, pop culture, and fandom within the Marvel Universe.


Shane Rahmani

Executive Producer

Actor page

Stephen Wacker

Executive Producer

Actor page

John Cerilli

Executive Producer

Actor page

Harry Go

Executive Producer

Actor page

Jason Sterman

Executive Producer

Actor page

Brian McGinn

Executive Producer

Actor page

David Gelb

Executive Producer

Actor page

David Bolen

Director of Photography

Actor page

Melanie Robinson

Production Supervisor

Actor page

Kai De Mello-Folsom

Production Manager

Actor page

Desiree Nash

Production Coordinator

Actor page

Lexie Bravo

Coordinating Producer

Actor page

Jamie Garland

Coordinating Producer

Actor page

Channing O'Neill

Post Production Coordinator

Actor page