The Goode Family
First air date: 2009-05-27

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The Goode Family is an American animated comedy series, which originally aired on ABC from May 27, 2009 to August 7, 2009. The series was created by Mike Judge, and follows the life of an environmentally responsible, albeit obsessive, family. The series takes a comic look at contemporary society. Judge created the show along with former King of the Hill writers John Altschuler and David Krinsky. The show was cancelled after its first season due to low ratings. The series was released on DVD format on January 8, 2013 by Shout! Factory.


Mike Judge

as Gerald Goode (voice)


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Nancy Carell

as Helen Goode (voice)


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David Herman

as Ubuntu Goode (voice)


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Linda Cardellini

as Bliss Goode (voice)


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Brian Doyle-Murray

as Charlie (voice)


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John Altschuler

Executive Producer

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Dave Krinsky

Executive Producer

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Jace Richdale

Co-Executive Producer

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Mike Judge

Executive Producer

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Michael Rotenberg

Executive Producer

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Jonathan Collier

Co-Executive Producer

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Mark McJimsey

Supervising Producer

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Matthew Silverstein

Co-Executive Producer

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Dave Kupczyk

Lead Character Designer

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Dave Jeser

Co-Executive Producer

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Tom Lassally

Executive Producer

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Bobby Mackston

Sound Re-Recording Mixer

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