Village People - Auf der Jagd nach dem Nazigold

The boys are back in town

Released: 2009-11-13

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Through an inheritance, a group of friends find out that their grandfathers had found crates of gold in the wreckage of a crashed plane in the final days of the Second World War. A short time later, the men were killed and the gold was never found. Now the gawky grandsons are trying to recover the treasure. In the process, they come up against crooks, speculators and old and neo-Nazis.

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Stefan Lörcher

as Heinz/Karl Jäger

Actor page

Frieder Pfeiffer

as Henning Hansen

Actor page

Markus Kiefer

as Hermann Nüssler

Actor page

Andreas Pfeiffer

as Roland Roller

Actor page

Valentin Hess

as Gerhard Richter

Actor page

Martin Umbach

as Dr. Gonzalez

Actor page

Saskia Höfle

as Jacqueline Roller

Actor page

Heinrich Knecht

as Heinrich Vetter

Actor page

Cathrin Tham

as Lola Kraft

Actor page

Jens Feger

as Efraim Halevi

Actor page

Lucia Schlör

as Tierärztin

Actor page

Nicole Kunzmann

as "Crocodile" Sandy

Actor page

Jochen Senf

as Dorflehrer Walter

Actor page

Wolfgang Völz

as Erzähler (voice)

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Alex Bross

as Nazischergen

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Michael Rau

as Nazischergen

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Marcel Schweder

Original Music Composer

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Florian Wentsch

Director of Photography

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Armin Schnürle

Director of Photography

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Rasmus Muttscheller

Public Relations

Actor page

Wolfgang Hellmich

Coordinating Producer

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Timm Schunck


Actor page

Florian Wentsch

Additional Camera

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Ales Jürgens

Additional Camera

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Steffen Benesch

Production Assistant

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Alex Bross

Production Assistant

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Florian Hammann

Production Assistant

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Dennis Czaja

Production Assistant

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Jens Gackenheimer

Production Assistant

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Marc Weckenmann

Production Assistant

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Sarah Löffler

Makeup & Hair

Actor page

Angela Braun

Makeup Effects

Actor page

Andreas Braun

Makeup Effects

Actor page